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What Makes Fulldive Browser Different?

Fulldive Browser: Introduction

Fulldive browser is the world's first social browser where you can browse, chat, and earn coins. You can comment and get notified on trending topics amongst your social circle, and even tag friends and join their discussion. You can browse as usual while earning Fulldive Coins (FDC) on the app!

Fulldive also prioritizes security and speed. This one-two punch is accomplished by automatically disabling advertisements and trackers. By removing these inconvenient tools, the browser can operate at a faster rate.

Fulldive browser has what other browsers have to offer, such as adding tabs and bookmarks, incognito mode, etc.. These aren't covered here. Instead, we'll concentrate on the browser's distinctive characteristics, which are the most significant factors to consider when determining whether to use it.


Fulldive AdShield is an essential element of the Fulldive browser. The website fights viruses and prevents tracking using AdShield, keeping your information safe and secure.

Most web browsers are designed with the gathering of cookies in mind. While surfing a website, these small pieces of data are saved on your computer. As a result, these websites can recall your previous visits, including your browsing history. As a result, you enjoy a more personalized surfing experience in which your favorite sites remember what you like (and dislike), your purchase history, and other information. Companies will eventually utilize this information to flood your email with adverts, both good and terrible, useful and not-so-useful.

Cookies aren't just used when you go shopping online. When you use a search engine on the internet, your movements are tracked and sold to advertising, companies, and others. This form of user collection is why, after searching for new televisions, you're likely to see a television ad on YouTube.

Unfortunately, some cookies and trackers are used for purposes other than advertising. These cookies and trackers can be problematic since they are meant to capture your information for malicious purposes like identity theft. Malware, viruses, and other malicious programming are examples of this.

Fulldive Browser includes ad-blocking, cookie control, script blocking, and other features. For further protection, Fulldive does not gather your personal information, and no information about you is stored on the company's servers. Furthermore, it does not sell your content to advertisements.

Fulldive Browser: What is Blocked?

When you're visiting a website, you can always check what type of content Fulldive has blocked by clicking the Shield icon in the top right corner of the browser. As shown in the following example, the report displays the amount of trackers and advertising, among other things.

What if you prefer a more tailored web experience? Fulldive by default blocks content that may jeopardize your security and privacy. These parameters, however, can be changed on a per-site basis. If you believe the default shield settings are too restrictive, you can change them.

Fulldive Rewards

As previously stated, one of Fulldive's primary goals is to eradicate advertisements and trackers. These dynamics are upended by Fulldive Rewards. When you see privacy-respecting advertisements, you may pay it forward by supporting content creators you already like.

Although the Fulldive advertisements do not collect personal information, they do consider your surfing behavior in order to match your preferences. This information is said to be saved on your device. Even better, the advertisements aren't bothersome. Instead, they appear as native system notifications or background graphics in a separate tab.

Fulldive Rewards, like the Fuldlive browser, has a small footprint in the globe. Nonetheless, it's something that could catch on as consumers become more worried about online privacy while also recognizing that businesses need to make money to be in business. It remains to be seen whether anything like this will compel firms to look for other methods to make money.


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